Sunday, March 03, 2013

1956 Tex Carson Circus #2

The center elephant "Mabel"' had been leased to the show since 1954 but business had improved to the point that an independent act was added.
 In Haxton, Colorado we see Ed Wediman at left with "Dorothy", "Peggy" and "Zetta" and enroute camping on the lot for a day were the Woodcock elephants "Anna May", "Fanny" and "Lydia".
My Dad staged and took the picture.


Roger Smith said...

BUCKLES: Is this the Zetta that Bert Pettus had on Castle? One night he was discussing the personalities of that herd, and when he came to her, he simply noted, "Zetta will kill you."

Buckles said...

All three of them went to Larry Higgins in 1962 then to Castle in 1964.