Friday, February 01, 2013

The Strongest Man On Earth #2

"Anna May"- 52 year old FEMALE INDIAN ELEPHANT
No recorded weight but estimated at 8,200 lbs.
The two front legs were on the platform.
Sri Chinmoy lifted and supported the weight with his left leg.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't Anna May, at least with BAC, listed as a Burmese Forest Elephant?

With all due respect to the gentleman, how high were these lifts? I can't detect any elevation in the photos...probably my advancing age.

Best, Paul

Chic Silber said...

Paul I believe the terms "Indian" &

"Asian" for elephant species were

used somewhat interchangeably even

though their origins were elsewhere

Chic Silber said...

Probably just high enough to satisfy

the Guiness folks Paul

Buckles said...

I don't think you can generalize elephants by the area they come from.
MacDonald told me that "Cambodia" was stamped on the crates the Besalou elephants were delivered in and there couldn't have been a wider range in IQ.
When I looking over young untrained elephants, I preferred husky ones with big heads, medium tails and small ears like Anna May but I picked out a few with that description that turned out as dumb as a box of rocks.