Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Barnum Show #1

I imagine this would be the Barnum & Bailey Show.
This hitch alone required 40 horses.


Unknown said...

Yes, it was used in several publicity items by the show both in Europe 1897-1902 & on its return to US regarding the 40-horse setup.
Lynch era & with him at reins - however, despite his book's title he was (at the time) the 2nd to last 40-horse driver!

However, driving horses obviously did his health some good as the Victoria & Albert Museum, London has a copy of his "Last of" book signed in the mid-1950s.

Fred Neill

Unknown said...

Yes, it was used in several publicity items by the show both in Europe 1897-1902 & on its return to US regarding the 40-horse setup.
Lynch era & with him at reins - however, despite his book's title he was (at the time) the 2nd to last 40-horse driver!

However, driving horses obviously did his health some good as the Victoria & Albert Museum, London has a copy of his "Last of" book signed in the mid-1950s.

Fred Neill

Unknown said...

Yes, this would have been in Europe the shot being used there & on show's return to US.

Despite his book's title he was the 2nd to last 40-horse driver! However, dtiving horses obviously did him good as the Victoria & albert Museum, London has a copy of his "Last of" book signed in the mid-1950s!

Fred Neill

Unknown said...

Whoops! I must have been asleep the other day - I meant Jake Posey & not Lynch.

Note that Posey's remembrances of his times with Barnum & Bailey & "Buffalo Bill" in Europe can vary between US newspapers (see CHS website) & his book "Last of"