Friday, January 18, 2013

More Gil Gray #4

I wonder how many miles John Herriott put on this vehicle?


Chic Silber said...

Very nicely & gracefully detailed

Wonder who built this & when

Buckles said...

Max Craig built built all of the show's spec floats.


Yes it was built by Max and Gus Kowaski. I remember once a year we would re glitter it. Disney was very impressed with it and wanted Gil to sell it to them.

Roger Smith said...

I've seen Gus's name in too many spellings to recount here. I found out he was among the few in this country who knew how to create a wooden ball, like Mabel Stark had for her Nellie tiger. Time came I wanted one, and called Tom Inabinette for Gus's number. Tom gasped and said, "My God, we buried Gus three days ago!"