Wednesday, January 16, 2013

From Jerry Digney

RIP, Archie Chan Jr.--what a great guy and a fantastic circus drummer; he was with Bill and Lee Pruyn on RBBB Blue 1970 100th Anniversary Show, when i toured for summer--and we were all so YOUNG!; he had two small sons then, added two daughters later; thankfully i have a pristine copy of the 1970 band live and there's plenty of Archie to enjoy! Bill created a brilliant but exhausting score that season and of course the drummer never gets a break...Condolences to Ana and the Chan kids...prior to RBBB, Archie played for King Bros., Clyde Bros., etc., later was Sales Director for Sells Floto.  


Chic Silber said...

As I recall Archie's brother was

also a drummer possibly on the other

unit (or maybe he followed Archie)

Bob K said...

Tai was with Chuck on CBCB one year.
Archie came over to see him somewhere around Chicago and I got to meet him.
2 really great drummers.
Bob Kitto

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Bob as I couldn't remember

his name but he was also on 1 of

the Ringling units for a while