Friday, January 18, 2013

Clyde Bros. Circus #2


Roger Smith said...

One day I was visiting over there, and someone asked to see my newly-cut lash. I was showing how the lash is cut and plaited together, when Eddie came over. "Say," he says, "if you can do that, you could make me up some headpieces for the elephants!" I told him I didn't have the tools, or the shop, to turn out big works like that. Besides, I didn't know what went into elephant gear. "No, no," he said, and he lugged over an old torn-up headpiece. "Here, you can use this as a model, and you'll know what to do." Not wanting to disappoint the guy, I stuffed it in the car and dragged it into my garage. My dog went nuts for a month over that thing. I never invested in the tools needed, 86'd the wild-smelling straps, and stayed away from Eddie from then on.