Saturday, December 01, 2012

From Chic Silber (update)

 Good morning Buckles
I guess the credit "Chis Silber" over Mooney's Giants
was a hint so here is the same image cleaned up
& with the crease removed & a larger border
I've been enjoying playing with "Photoshop"


Ole Whitey said...

Buckles: Wasn't it the Powers act that played baseball? One of the acts that Ben Davenport bought did and I believe Norma worked it.

Buckles said...

The Adele Nelson elephants.
"Myrtle" was the pitcher.
Smokey told me that Reed trained her to do a lot of clever things like toss your hat on the ground and she would carefully pick it up and replace it on your head.
However if you didn't give the right command she might toss it toward home plate.
In vaudeville she had done a Sally Rand fan dance moving around the stage sweeping the fan across her chest from side to side and then concluding with a hind leg stand where upon she lowered the fan to cover her crotch.

klsdad said...


Too MUCH playin!

The first was MUCH better..
