Friday, December 28, 2012

1973 Gran Circo London #1 (From Buckles)

This is actually a continuation of yesterday's Blog.
At the close of the 1972 season we camped out on the Carson & Barnes lot in Texas on the way home and wound up making a deal with the Padillas's who had purchased three elephants from D.R. "Mary", "Penny" and "Blondie" and leased two smaller ones "Bunni" and "Betty".
We wound up being included in the deal to look out for D.R. interest and incredibly Ben showed up with the Kellner elephants "Sue", "Lovie" and "Jackie" and off we went to Mexico with nine elephants and a scruffy kid  from the show named Gary.
We made a street parade thru each town on opening day and it was impressive but business was light and by February Ben had returned his three to James Bros. and Eddie Kuhneman took "Bunni", "Betty" and the lion act back to Hugo reducing the herd to four.
It wasn't long until "Mary" and "Blondie" were sold to an Animal Park in Puebla for $10,500 I was told, leaving me with "Anna May" and "Penny" to take care of.


Ryan Easley said...


I am fascinated with the Carson & Barnes elephant history, especially the arrivals and removals from the herd in the 1960s to 1970s. Thank you for this great story and sharing with us.


Buckles said...

I might add that I first met Jerry Digney when he was announcing for Carson & Barnes at that time.

Larry Louree said...

Could this have been Mr. Hill, now shoe maker for the Equine Community in Texas?

Great Story. Thank you for sharing.

Buckles said...

No, but you're on he right path.

GaryHill said...

No Larry, he is talking about Gary Jacobson, in charge of the Center for Elephant Conservation. ie the Ringling Stud farm...I hooked up just months later at Winter Quarters in Venice..

Ryan Easley said...

Did Penny remain in Mexico or did she return to stateside ?

Buckles said...

I don't remember any elephant coming back from Mexico.