Saturday, November 24, 2012

Circus in Thailand #1 (From Dennis Younger)

This is a circus billed as associated with Britian. I got the impression they were all Eastern European.
The top was in very good condition but the inside was not very impressive. What did surprise me was that this show used LED lights. They were ultra bright and could be changed into all the primary colors.
Prices ranged from $6 to $15 dollars (in Thai baht). It really didn't make much difference where you sat however concerning the view. It was a four day run. The Thai folks attending the night I did enjoyed the offerings for the most part. I could not wait to get out however. The hour and a half show was mostly fill material with clowns and dancing girls making at least 5 appearances each. All bad.
It is said that a Chinese Circus is coming here to Chiang Mai, Thailand next month. Any circus is rare in this country.


Chic Silber said...

Certainly all clean & neat looking

Hard plastic seats stack but still

not easy for handling & transport

It's showing 5 days but you said 4

LED lighting to minimize electric

consumption (a major factor)

Do you know of show's ownership

or country of origin Dennis

Unknown said...

I notice none of the firms on the advert are British, also not a name I have ever heard of & I live in Britain!

Fred Neill