Friday, October 05, 2012

Wheels #8


Chic Silber said...

Clearly a Zacchini parade unit


The semi-tractor is a White 3000, not sure just what that trailer is.

Jimmy Cole said...

This was a TV promotion give-away contest back in 1953. It was for "Space Patrol" sponsored by Chex Cereals. The winning boy and his dad are seen in front. From what I understand, the trailer portion of this rig was spotted in a salvage yard back in 1985 in up-state NY. It latter got scrapped.

Chic Silber said...

The checkered pattern ls recognizable

of Ralston Purina from Checkerboard

Square in St Louis (owners of the

Checkerdome Arena)

Ole Whitey said...

Chic: Ralston Purina sponsored the Tom Mix radio show of my "yoot.'

Chic Silber said...

Ralston Purina also made many special

food products for the exotics in both

Zoos & Circuses (Henry didn't you use

"Sweet Feed" in logs for the cats)

Chic Silber said...

Recently learned that Nestle bought

the whole shootin match in 2001 but

kept it in St Louis

Chic Silber said...

The Checkerdome was demolished in 99

Roger Smith said...

Tom Mix was on radio in my yoot, too. But Mix had died in 1940, long before my time. The radio show was on three times a week, and was still such a hit, I took it for granted he was very much a living cowboy star.