Thursday, October 04, 2012

From Jerry Cash

More rhinos, Cristiani Bros. Circus 1959 season.
Jerry Cash


Richard Reynolds said...

This series of excellent rhino photos will put me to work on a string of comments.

This one (Cristiani 1959) shows the young black rhino that the Cristianis added for the 1959 season (along with a hippo and a giraffe). I would ask Jerry Cash where and on what date he took the photo.

The year before (1958) the Cristiani show had borrowed Molly, the female black belonging to Tony Diano.

This ’59 animal died before the somewhat Cristiani ’60 show went out. I was told that by a chap in the office wagon when I was on the lot in Marietta, GA early in the ’60 season. For ’60 they again borrowed Diano’s Molly, and I photographed her that day in Marietta. She died with them in Illinois later during the summer of 1960.

That having been said, Pete Cristiani told Lane Talburt that the 1959 rhino went to the St Louis zoo. That was in Talburt’s interview of Pete for the series of Cristiani articles Talburt wrote for Bandwagon.

However, there is no record of any such black rhino in the St Louis zoo. They had on hand two old black rhinos that lasted well into the 1960s. So, they would hardly have wanted Cristiani’s 1959 animal.

Jerry Cash said...

This is a photo I did not take. It is part of my Cristiani collection. It was in a group of slides I aquired with no indication of date, place or who took it. I wish I had the information, I would have given them credit.

John Shepherd said...

Pictures prompt a question. The cage is large. Was the rhino secured/ supported for travel? If so how? One would think that truck transport of an unsecured animal that large would have been dangerous both for the animal and the vehicle.