Sunday, October 07, 2012

From Jerry Cash #13

Can't send pictures of Carson and Barnes with out including some photos of elephants. It's a good thing I had a wide angle lens. Even then, it was hard to get them all in. These pictures were also shot in Ontario, Ca. in 1984.


Harry Kingston said...

D. R. Miller and all his elephnants and what a show it was.
It amazes me hauling all that stuff down the road and still making the nut.
And what that would cost today to do it.
And what all those elephants would be worth today????????
You could buy a real nice home on the California beach front and still have money left over.
Harry in Texas


The African, on the right is Paula. She was leased to Mel Silverlake in 1990 for his ill-fated Fisher Bros. Circus, where she was given the name Queen Tusk.
About three weeks into the short season, a letter was received from the Feld organization to cease and desist.
So, Paula was not only Queen For A Day, but she managed to hold that title for three weeks.

Cindy Potter said...

Simply, AWESOME!!!