Tuesday, October 02, 2012

From Don Koehl

Dear Buckles, I wonder if you can please help me concearning records in the article Ringling elephants 1888-1968 by Chang Reynolds, in Bandwagon
That article was of course written years ago, and may have been corrected later, and/or I may misunderstand, or falsely interprete the text.
I hope you may be able to sort this out.

I read through the article Ringling elephants 1888-1968 by Chang Reynolds, in Bandwagon.
On page six, he discusses the Barnum and Bailey group in 1918, before all elephants were joined at RBBB.
Hes naming them as : Katie, Albert, Bessie, Coco, Lizzie, Fanny, Nellie, Baby, Jennie, Topsy, Jap, Mighty, Queenie, Mary, Juno, Hattie, Pilot and Jess.

Later, he discuss the whereabouts and what happened to them. Among other details, he mention Nellie going to Houston zoo, and I interpret that she is one of the former Barnum and Bailey elephants, not Ringling bros.