Monday, October 08, 2012

From Dave Price #2

This might look better on the Blog.


Chic Silber said...

Very nicely cleaned up Dave

Ole Whitey said...

Thanks, but I didn't know whether to flop it or not. If that cage wagon in the bg had a number we could read we could tell which way it should be. I suspect the copy Buckles has it correct.

Chic Silber said...

This is likely to be the correct

orientation going by the way the

belt (pardon the expression) buckles

Chic Silber said...

Then again the shirts seem to button

the wrong way (so maybe not)

Bob Cline said...

Some of you may recognize two out of the corporation cages that went to the Cole Bros. Circus in the early 1940's.


Ole Whitey said...

Bob: I call them Curtis cages. But hey that's just me.