Wednesday, October 24, 2012

From Chris Berry #2

Buffalo Bill and Iron Tail - Photo
In May 1916, Chief Iron Tail, then 74, contracted pneumonia while the 101 Ranch show was performing in Philadelphia. When the show moved to Baltimore the next day Iron Tail was left alone with doctors and nurses who could barely communicate with him. For whatever reason the hospital put Iron Tail on a train back to his home in the Black Hills of South Dakota and on May 28, 1916 when a train porter went to awaken him near South Bend, Indiana he was found dead. His body continued on to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation where he was buried June 3, 1916. After Iron Tail's death, his friend Buffalo Bill promised to place a granite stone on his grave with a replica of the buffalo nickel on it, however Cody himself died just six month later and he was unable to fulfill that promise.