Thursday, October 18, 2012

From Chris Berry #1

Cole Bros "Ken Maynard" Window Card #1
By the time that this window card was posted in the summer of 1937 Ken Maynard was closing in on his 42nd birthday - a bit long in the tooth for a Hollywood stuntman, but still a household name as a matinee idol. Maynard appeared in more than 90 films, usually with his horse "Tarzan"..


Chic Silber said...

Is there any chance Tex & Gaylord

might have been any relation

John Herriott said...

Tex was father. Name was Visengard. johnny

Ole Whitey said...

One Sunday in 1959 the Cristiani advance was in Santa Ana and I went by bus into Los Angeles to catch the show. Ken Maynard was in the audience that day, was introduced and stood up and got a nice round of applause.

Chic Silber said...

Thanks John so clearly they were no

relation to Ken Maynard but I wonder

if that influenced the name change

Wasn't Tex a show drummer