Saturday, October 06, 2012

From Chic Silber #1

Here are 3 of my alltime dream cars
A 54 Mercedes 300 SL Gull Wing
A 56 Continental
A 57 Thunderbird
But never had any.


klsdad said...

How in HELL does this have anything to do with the history of circus???

There is plenty of blog space for your own autos-I-would-like-to-have-owned blog.

Circus rules..!!


Chic Silber said...

Stop complaining DAD & send something

Little John said...

My grandfather, The Rev. Dr. Professor William Clinton Seitz STD, DCNL, a Mason, serving as a Knight Templar Priest, had a silver sport Mercedes like this. The years must have been 1962 judging by where I lived when we celebrated his retirement. He and his wife Florence booked passage on a cargo ship that year to visit family in Germany and to purchase a car. Research told my Grandfather that the Mercedes was the best car at that time, and the money he saved by getting the car from the factory paid for his trip to Europe. Grandfather’s car did not have the top hinged doors; his was a removable hard top convertible. If I remember correctly the interior was a splash of red leather, mahogany, and Ivory. I have volumes about Grandfather, family, and this car, but I will spare you all.

Cindy Potter said...

Cindy Potter

Chic Silber said...

That would have been a 190 SL John

the earliest of the SL Roadsters

It looked very similar to the Gull

Wing but had conventional doors

Several more models had the removable

hard top & an enclosed soft top but

recently the SLs changed to folding

hard tops (flip top boxes) & no soft

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Cindy