Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cavorting Canines! #7

This was my dad's favorite dog act (Alf Loyal) seen practicing in the back yard on the Ringling Show.
They ran down a ramp and vaulted into somersalts, gainers and twisters.
He appears to have joined out members of the big top crew with instructions to remove their hats.


Jim Stockley said...

The Circus families that Alf Loyal represented !

Alf Loyal's grandfather was George Woolford (he toured America in 1836 with TT Cooke).

Alf Loyal's grandmother was Rebecca COOKE (Thomas Taplin Cooke's daughter, her 2nd husband was James C Boswell whose family founded BOSWELL's Circus in South Africa).

Rebecca COOKE's sister was Mary Anne COOKE (mother of WW COLE, later she married Miles ORTON)

Alf LOYAL's sister, Emelina LOYAL married Leonard GAUTIER, Axel's Uncle)