Monday, August 27, 2012

Circus Juventas #1 (From Jim Cole)

As the Youth Chairman for the Circus Fans Association, I have this year taken several trips to the various youth circuses across the country. My latest venture was up to St. Paul, MN to see the final weekend of “Showdown” the 2012 summer production of Circus Juventas. To say the least, their show was amazing. It is kind of like Cirque Soleil, but with a story line you can understand. It blends theater, dance and traditional circus arts. Showdown took us back to the old west. Good guys, bad guys, prospectors, dance hall girls, a stage coach robbery, a bar room brawl, and finishing with a gunfight on the wall trampoline. They had a great sound system with mainly country –western music, top notch lighting, and very well done costumes. The show even had a horse, didn’t really do much, but it is unique to see a youth circus that uses animals.


Chic Silber said...

If anything spells circus to me

it's the front end of a Glock 9mm

Chic Silber said...

Given the recent horrific events

this might be a poor prop choice

Jimmy Cole said...

Billy the Kid can point a gun at you if he likes...'cause Circus Juventas is a 501 C-3!

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Jimmy as I had no idea that

was the definition of a 501 C 3

It's just amazing what congress can

add to a bill to suit themselves

Jimmy Cole said...

You had to have been there. This is Zebulon, who was doing the BEST intermission pitch for the souviner stand I ever saw!

Chic Silber said...

Have heard folks complain that the

garbage joints were highway robbers

before but never with a gun