Saturday, June 09, 2012

"Nellie" #2

06-08-2012 03;13;08PM by bucklesw1
06-08-2012 03;13;08PM, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.


Buckles said...

Parley Baer once told me that in the early 1950's Louie Reed presented three elephants on some California dates and their names were "Tex", "Nellie" and "Virginia".

Ryan Easley said...

Thank you Buckles. I should have asked as well - what about Rosie ? It seems Six Bros. Circus was one of those California dates, judging by different reading sources and a picture of three young elephants on a backlot, but another publication says Rudy Mueller had his Rosie there at the same time.

Buckles said...

No, Mueller's Rosie would have been a big elephant going back to the NY Hippodrome whereas the Reed punks would be average size at best.