Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Unidentified #1 (From Wayne Jackson)

R.B.C.005 by bucklesw1
R.B.C.005, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.
This looks like Bert Pettus with the Wiedaman elephants "Zetta", "Peggy" and "Dorothy".
Mr. Jackson has included RBC?
Can't figure out the words on the coveralls or the act's relationship with the sousaphone, if any.


Jimmy Cole said...

That's a Heubert Castle ring curb for sure!

Chic Silber said...

Off down left is what was pitched

as "Mickey Mouse In A Glass House"

Roger Smith said...

Right, this is Bert Pettus, in a rare photo without his signature white Captain's cap. The lettering on the light green workingman's coveralls is Hubert Castle at top, International at bottom, and CIRCUS across the center. The men were constantly admonished to take off the coveralls after each show, and to hang them up. To my eye, there is no one else who had that hairline and build other than the loyal and hard-working man who joined out with us in Grand Rapids, Michigan--Manley Gilbert. His appearance here dates this photo as 1972.

Roger Smith said...

More on Hubert's ring curbs in "Unidentified #4".