Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Like Cole Porter says "It's just one of those things!"

Pictures won't enter!
I'm off to the treadmill.
I'll try again in 30 minutes.

Still no luck!
I shall now proceed to crum-up and check the list of errands to run and after that, if the machine continues to defy me, I shall depart in defeat yet dignified and stately.

Finally home, included was an appointment with Dermatologist, Monday was an eye exam which concludes my Spring check-ups, all concerned admit I am an uncommonly fine fellow.
Still can't enter pictures on the blog, Shannon might be able to come by this afternoon.
In the meantime I'm going to take a nap, too much excitement for one day.


Down the Road by Jim said...

Stately , yet with one's head held proudly high !

Chic Silber said...

Or in the words of Gilda Radner

"It's Always Something"

Chic Silber said...

A very wise choice

Wade G. Burck said...

Just incredible!!!! One of the greatest elephant trainers of my generation, and you are going to let a computer own you? Man up, Woodcock and show the machine who it's daddy is.

I believe I'll have a nap, also. Tiger practice went all of 30 mins. this morning and I am still winded. Tiger's are sure a lot stronger and have more endurance, and are more strong willed today, then they were 35 years ago, that's for sure.


Bob K said...

Had my spring check-up today also
and doc said I was still on the right side of the grass. Wants to do it again in a year.
Bob Kitto