Tuesday, April 17, 2012

More DeLand Quarters #2

jj%20jones-2 by bucklesw1
jj%20jones-2, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.


Chic Silber said...

Is that wagon just being manhandled

down the runs (what am I missing)

Harry Kingston said...

If my old eyes do not deceive me that wagon is being pulled up the runs.
There is a truck on the right pulling it up the runs.
Which ever way the wagon pole is pointed the wagon is going.
They also built a wood road for the wagon to get to the runs.
Harry in Texas


Actually Chic, that wagon is being pulled up the runs by the truck on the right.
It is had to see, but look real good and you can see the poler doing his job.
But you are right Chic, at first glance, it looks as if the wagon is coming down the runs.


On my second examanation of this pix, I see NO cable or rope from the truck to the wagon. So, I have no idea what is actually going on here, other than the fact that the pole is at the far end of the wagon.

Bob K said...

You are missing the cable from the
truck to the hook ring on the right front of the wagon. I'd say that they were loading out.
Bob Kitto

Chic Silber said...

Thanks gentlemen as I saw the truck

but couldn't (& still can't) see

any cable in the photo but it must

be just above the flat's side rail

Harry Kingston said...

I took a closer look at the photo and enlarged it.
The pull up rope can be seen if you take a look at the bottom left hand corner of that building in front of the wagon, and then you can follow it.
Great days of show business.
Harry in Texas

Chic Silber said...

Yup after enlarging the photo I can

see the cable tied to the wagon

just above the polers left arm &

then it crosses the building roof

on it's way the the truck