Sunday, March 04, 2012

Seabreeze Park #1 (From Eric Beheim)

PTC-A by bucklesw1
PTC-A, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

During the summer of 1971 and while passing through Rochester, New York on my way to Fort Benjamin Harrison to attend a military school, I stopped off at Seabreeze Park to see about buying a carousel horse from the park’s owner George Long. Some years earlier, Mr. Long had bought the carving machine that had once been used by the Philadelphia Toboggan Company to carve carousel figures. Using one of the horses from the park’s 1915 carousel as a pattern, Mr. Long, who was then in his ‘80s, went into the carving business. Here we see the carving machine and the pattern used for carving the heads.


Chic Silber said...

Thanks Eric for this wonderful

& enlightenng series of photos

During a short stint as a Carny

Electrician for Reithoffer Shows

among many other things I learned

how to assemble "Jennies" from

a couple of different companies

They are amazingly simple rides

with common sense engineering

From the mud sills to the flag

pole at the top of the top

A few of us troublemakers would

visit rival show lots & turn the

horses around (easily done) so

the next day they appeared to be

running backwards