Thursday, February 23, 2012

Movin' On #12

02-21-2012 11;21;53AM by bucklesw1
02-21-2012 11;21;53AM, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

Checking Out.
Ben said that at this point the phone rang and to everyone's surprise she picked it up and handed it to the clerk.


Larry Louree said...

she was a very talented lady, and always helpful. thanks for sharing, now I've got to watch for the program. I know three of the folks in it!

Larry Louree said...

Ok, I'll try this again.

Anna Mae was always a bright young lady and helpful too. Now I've got to watch for the show to come around again because I know three folks in it!

Thanks for sharing this and putting a smile on my face.