Friday, February 03, 2012

From Jerry Digney #2

PRESTON LAMBERT_1956 by bucklesw1
PRESTON LAMBERT_1956, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

Rare photo: Preston Lambert--RBBB announcer, 1956--not sure how long he was with show...Harold Ronk was only a soloist under canvas, I believe, becoming both singer and announcer once the show
shifted to arenas.

"In either 1954 or '55 my folks had our elephant act booked on the main Barnes-Carruthers Fair Unit Revue of which Lambert was announcer and vocalist. Great stage presence."


Dick Flint said...

Preston Lambert was with Ringling only for the ill-fated 1956 season. It was nice to learn of his earlier role with Barnes-Carruthers and I can add that he did an M & M date in 1972 so he was in the business for a while. In previous discussions on the blog, we’ve discussed ringmasters/equestrian directors/announcers/vocalists between the years of Bradna and Ronk. Ronk was show vocalist from 1952-55 but apparently never did the canvas tour (someone named Ricky Dawn also made the 1954-55 seasons). Bob Dover was named equestrian director in the mid-1950s but I think this is the time when that title reflected more of a performance director role as later titled by the 1970s. Nowadays the Ringling vocalist/announcer is as much a performer given the dancing and acting done on the floor.
Dick Flint