Friday, February 10, 2012

From Chris Berry #1

From the time it Zack Terrell and Jess Adkins started their show in 1935 until it closed in 1950, the Cole Bros Circus was primarily a tented circus, traveling by rail, performing under canvas and playing mostly one night stands. Still Cole Bros did have several notable bookings in arenas - often against significant opposition from other shows.

This shot taken outside of the Chicago Stadium in 1938 shows not only a Cole Bros billboard for Dorothy Herbert, but also features her name in lights, along with that of Clyde Beatty and western star Ken Maynard.

From the time that the Stadium opened in the Spring of 1929 until it closed in the fall of 1994, it was home to many circuses including Sells-Floto, Hagenbeck-Wallace, Cole Bros, Ringling-Barnum and for several years Barnes Bros, the indoor show owned by Arthur Wirtz, operator of Chicago's westside arena, known as "The Madhouse on Madison"..