Thursday, February 09, 2012

From Buckles

02-09-2012 05;26;36AM by bucklesw1
02-09-2012 05;26;36AM, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

A spiritualistic critique from the inimitable Mr. V would be interesting.


Harry Kingston said...

You know Mr. V would damn sure have a comment.
In his time the modern day P T Barnum.
What a show he put on under that huge big top.
A real task master and no 200 pound web girls on his show.
If we could get Bill Biggerstaff to comment on this blog about Mr. V with all his stories our sides would be hurting from laughter.
I know when he first played our mall he had a phone line run to his trailer way long before cell phones and I had the number and what that must have cost.
A great showman.
Harry in Texas

Chic Silber said...

When was the last time you saw

1 of those 200 pounders Harry

Not sure Zacchini's swivels were

rated for such stress

Harry Kingston said...

Years ago on another circus in the 1970's and those tights were really stretched, and the rope was really straining.
Harry in Texas

Chic Silber said...

Oh please Harry give us the rest

of the details & who was the lucky

web sitter (leg up with a groan)

Harry Kingston said...

You are trying to get me in trouble.
She was Mexican and the tights had slid toward the middle of her rear.
It was more than Moon over Miami and the guys in the audience loved it.
It was almost a full moon.
Yes the guy that had to give her a push up groaned and grunted.
Plus the quarter pole did move some as the rope was real tight.
I was praying the rope would hold.
Harry in Texas