Friday, February 10, 2012

From Buckles #2

02-09-2012 04;22;44PM by bucklesw1
02-09-2012 04;22;44PM, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

1961 Detroit Shrine Circus.
On this occasion Mr. Beatty asked me how he could contact my dad, I later learned it regarded a book he had in the it turned out, my father passed away two years later and Mr. Beatty two years after that.


Chic Silber said...

Was this before or after the CBCB

tent show season

Buckles said...

Detroit was in February.

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Buckles so this was taken

shortly before my 1st circus job

of working frontlight in Commack

around Easter of 61 & changed my

life forever (very lucky indeed)

Had no idea at the time what a big

deal Clyde Beatty was but very

quickly became an admirer of him

& the show I thought was his