Monday, February 20, 2012

"Big Bingo" #3

02-19-2012 02;19;08PM by bucklesw1
02-19-2012 02;19;08PM, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

In response to a letter of inquiry relative to the history of "Big Bingo" this letter from Charles Ringling dated June 12, 1918 may be of interest.

"The name of this elephant was "Jennie" but at various times she was called by other names. While with one show she was called "Jennie" with another show "Queen" and more recently "Big Bingo".
Jennie was imported from Colombo, Ceylon in 1879 together with a male mate called "Baldy". At that time she was about twenty-six years old. She together with "Baldy" was purchased by Burr Robbins who then was conducting a prominent circus with winter quarters at Janesville, Wis., remaining with this show until about 1890 when this pair of elephants was purchased by Mr. Reynolds of
Rockford, Ill. for a small circus he was operating.
During the years that Jennie was with the Burr Robbins Show she was trained in various performances, presenting an act of merit with her companion Baldy. She was also trained in hauling heavy loads in harness and in pushing heavy wagons, in which she was especially good, owing to her immense size and strength.
In 1895 Ringling Bros. purchased Jennie and Baldy from Mr. Reynolds and the pair have since been with Ringling Bros. About one year ago Baldy died and since that time Jennie rapidly failed until she died at Columbus, May 17th.
Yours very truly,
Charles Ringling


Buckles said...