Friday, June 03, 2011

From Dominic Yodice #1

Hi Buckles,
Since there have been so many comments about weather Jimmy Stewart actually did any filming under the Big Top, I dug out these two articles.
They are from The Evening Bulletin (Philadelphia) May 22, 1951.
The article talks about Stewart in his trailer on the lot and getting ready for his scenes. The other ones shows him with Emmett Kelly and Charlie Bell (not Felix Adler as listed).
So I think it is safe to assume that James Stewart did in fact film some of his scenes under the Big Top.
Hope this helps to clear up that question.
l hope these are readable ...Dom
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Eric said...

This makes me a believer! (Too bad that Joe Bradbury didn't include this information in his WHITE TOPS article. It would have settled this point once and for all.)