Sunday, May 01, 2011

From Buckles

05-01-2011 12;26;44PM, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This is identified as Sells Bros. 1887.
Would a show of this consequence include women and children it it's band?
Possibly some one could identify the paper in the background.


Anonymous said...

Making themselves generally useful, included a concert downtown if they played an instrument. Probably a good way to make people aware that the show was in town.
Bob Kitto

Dick Flint said...

The date on the poster of Tuesday, July 14, only happened in 1874, 1885, 1891, 1896, 1903, 1908, and 1914 so the date is definitely wrong—more likely is in the ‘90s or next decade. And the horizontal poster below the big "14" is of a style typical for an owner's portrait bill but it only shows one man. So it doesn’t suggest a “brothers” show. And it just plain looks more like a little tent show or opera house org than any big circus.
Dick Flint