Monday, May 02, 2011

From Billie Schuller

jugact1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

As long as this is a "Henderson" day might as well throw this one in.
Lew, Billie and Peggy.

From Buckles
My wife sometimes checks out the Blog from her computer and mentioned that her family and the Hendersons were good friends and in fact two of her sisters Billie and Peggy were named after the two ladies pictured above.

She also talked about the time in 1952 Tommy O'Brien got Rex and her a job at the Memphis Zoo.
They parked their trailer at the Fairgrounds and one evening she heard some music coming from one of the buildings which turned out to be Rabbit Foot Minstrals in rehearsal.
She was fascinated by the dance numbers and astonished by the amount of time and repetition it took to put the show together. Dailey Bros. took one run-thru.
Having little money and being pregnant with Ben she visited regularly and was always made welcome.
She said she hated to see them leave to go on the road.


Billie Lou Henderson Schuller said...

Thanks Buckles.


Buckles said...

Barbara remembers a Boston Terrier that Lew incorporated into the act.
Something about juggling tennis balls and the dog catching those that were bounced his direction off an inclined board.

Ole Whitey said...

That's probably what gave Mac and Peggy the idea to work the dog into the elephant act on Polack Bros.

Roger Smith said...

During my San Antonio era, I had good visits in New Braunfels with Peggy, who introduced me to Emil and Hannah Pallenberg. On one visit, Bill Johnston went with me, and the jackpots were priceless. Among the last times I saw Peggy, she brought her bedfast mother in a van to visit the Plunkett show. Peggy opened the back so her mother could see the show. I believe her mother was about 95 at the time. Peggy took care of her so meticulously, we could all see why Billy Barton referred to the "Saintly Peggy MacDonald".

My thanks also for these pictures being posted.