Saturday, April 23, 2011

From Jackie LeClaire

The photo I sent you was taken by Ripley Odell a photographer from NYC who came to Sarasota and photographed many retired circus celebrities recently. He wants to do an artists photo exhibit, possibly at a museum or put the photos together in book form. He took 278 photos in my apt. I love this photo because it is current and really portrays me like I really am, or at least would really like to be seen as. I am very satisfied with this photo and it will replace the one taken ten years ago by Jimmy Piehl which I dearly loved, but I just don't' look quite like that anymore. Kinda like before and after photos. I am so lucky I have these two photos now in my collection. Love, Jackie LeClaire


Lizzie The Clown Shares said...

Hi Jackie:
I would like to write a blog about you and one of your teachings (The affirmation that you use before doing a show: "please allow the divinity to flow through me". Your saying has helped me thru many long clowning days. I would also like to know if I could include 2 photos of you on the blog. We met at U of Wisconsin Clown Camp in 1999. Please let me know what you think. Lizzie Love the Clown (