Sunday, April 17, 2011

From Dave Price

Buckles06, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This picture showing Bert Pettus was taken right here in Nashville when Wallace Bros (then called Beatty-Wallace) played here in 1943. The occasion was a downtown War Bond rally at which Beatty made an appearance with a cage wagon full of cats and an elephant or two. He is presenting the kid with the first bond sold that day. And no, that is not a young Whitey; my mother always said I was much cuter than that.


William C.Shoop said...

Sure wish in 1973 when I briefly met Bert I wouldve known his history.Mightve been 1974 he was the elephant boss on the Hoxie Brothers Circus.Saw him in Melbourne,fl.This at the annual Shrine buyout.