Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1950's Elephants #7

04-25-2011 11;52;28AM, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Dated 1956 we see "Gentry Babe" out west.


Ole Whitey said...

This would be during Babe's Gene Holter years.

Wasn't Turner Bros the last show she trouped with?

Buckles said...

"Babe" was imported by the Gentrys from the Hagenbeck Zoo in 1900 hence the name "Gentry Babe".
The tail end of her career was:
1950-53 Wallace & Clark Circus (Luke Anderson)
1954 Pan American Circus (leased from Anderson)
1955-67 Gene Holter Animal Shows
(Died 5/18/67 at the approxemate age of 70)

Richard Reynolds and I agree she must have performed longer than any other elephant on record.