Monday, February 14, 2011

Royale Bros. Circus 1952

My dad wrote on the back:
"Royale Bros. Circus Joplin, Missouri 1952
Shirley Logan on "Kay"
Fred C. Logan"

Probably came from Paul Van Pool
I was in my Junior year of school in Hot Springs but would come over to Hugo from time to time and one day in the office I heard D.R. laughingly say, "Well, I came out a $50 winner on that deal!" My Dad explained that his school house show had just returned. I had no idea what he was talking about.
Soon after, D.R. returned saying , "Hell, I forgot to pay Harry Rooks." which meant he came out about $100 loser.
Logan said they never had a ring big enough to work all three elephants, just used "Kay" and a few times the floor was too weak to support her.
I never realized until I came across this picture how far away from Hugo the show had gotten.
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