Sunday, February 06, 2011

Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros. #7

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Richard Reynolds said...

Two striped hyenas and a puma.

I never recall seeing a striped hyena in a circus menagerie. However,the Clubb mixed act on RBBB-Blue c. 1990 had a pair, presented by the Palacios.

There is also a photo of one or two in a mixed act on one of the Peru based shows.

Jim A. said...

Jules Jacot told me about a hyena act he worked long ago. Not much to it but they would let hyenas grab pieces of wood and tear them apart with their powerful jaws.

Steve said...

Hans Brick wrote about smearing thick wooden spoons with fat and pulling the hyenas into the air with a block and tackle to demonstrate the incredible power of their jaws.

He reported that they never let go and dropped to the ground and, at the end of the act when lowered to the ground, they would race back to their dens with their prizes which they would spend hours chewing into splinters.