Wednesday, January 26, 2011

S-F 1930 - Tom Mix at Peru Winter Quarters

From Chris Berry

This snapshot of Tom Mix and Tony was taken at the Peru Winter Quarters in 1930. No doubt the Cowboy was behind the wheel of his new Lincoln when he wasn't astride "The Wonder Horse". During those early days of the Great Depression Mix was reported to be making $20,000 a week with Sells Floto! (Makes you wonder how much he was drawing when the show was in Quarters...)


Anonymous said...

I heard 2 grand a week. In those days was alot of scratch. I doubt if GM CEO made 20 Gs in those days.tanglefoot

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Mix kept the enclosed Lincoln he wouldn't have been killed in his Cord Phaeton?

Harry Kingston said...

I wonder if that Lincoln was a straight 8 or a V-12.
We were on vacation in Arizona and my aunt that lived there showed us the place where Mix died in a wreck.
I wonder if the $20,000 was really what he got or was from Roland Butler.
Errol Flynn got $2700 a week from Warner Bros back in the late 30's.
Harry in Texas

Chris Berry said...

Despite my original post - when you do the math and think of what the weekly attendance for the show would be, I too believe that $2000 is a MUCH more reasonable number. Still a couple of seasons like that and you'll soon be in position to buy your own circus...which he did!

Anonymous said...

Adam Forepaugh paid Dan Rice $1000per week in the 1860s. That was an unprecedented circus performer salary then and there are probably many that haven't made it in the 21st century.

Roger Smith said...

The cause of Mix's death was determined to be the impact of his hand-tooled briefcase, which was positioned above the back seat. When his car slammed into the ditch at high speed, the case became a missile and struck him in the back of the head.

My son and I saw the Cord Phaeton advertised as the Mix death car at the Imperial Auto Museum in Vegas. If were the true car, there had been certain restoration done for it.

Then again, I'm among the legions who have seen numerous makes, models, and colors of the Bonnie and Clyde death car.

Anyone know the skinny on these cars?