Saturday, November 06, 2010

Train Wrecks #3

Scan13221, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I was in this wreck in 1945 but only by chance. I was only 10 and no kids were allowed on the show so most of the season was spent with Aunt
Nellie in Ottumwa, Iowa. In fact I was there when World War 2 ended.
However when the show was in the general area, management looked the other way.
This incident happened in Brainerd , Minnesota. and fortunately all the damage was limited to the flat cars. I slept right thru it.
Gustino Loyal can be seen at left and next to him are Paul Nelson and Cap Curtis (I wonder how many train wrecks he had been in.)



Harry Kingston said...

This is a great picture of a wreck.
I noticed that carnival wheel buried half in the dirt and would like to see what the wagon looked like after it shoved that wheel down that far.
The train must have been flying and the force of the crash and that heavy Cole wagon coming off the flat and hitting the ground, WOW.