Thursday, November 11, 2010

From Paul Gutheil #1

harry locker with fred logan, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Fred Logan and Harry Locker.



Never could really understand this.
The ticket box(next to the elephant ride) which Logan was in, sold ONLY peanuts.
If you wanted to purchase a ticket for the ride, you had to walk to the middle of the midway, to do so.
I guess the reasoning, behind this was, the midway box, also sold the tickets for the poy ride, moonwalk, etc.
When Freddie left this ticket box, he had that money box in one hand and the box of peanut bags in the other. He would go straight to his Chevy pick-up and place these two items on the floorboard of the passenger side, until the next time he returned to the box. over the years, I saw him do this routine many, many times.
If it was move night, Freddie would also, hook his trailer up and roll the water hose and the electric lead, rightafter intermission.

Anonymous said...

they gave him the X on the peanuts, or chump change, but not first count on the ride