Saturday, November 13, 2010

"Emily" #1

Scan13233, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This little guy was delivered to the Ringling Show June 26, 1947 at
New Brunswick, NJ however this picture was taken in Detroit by Don Smith a month later.
Logan said that she was delivered in an Express Truck and they had
to make a ramp of some sort to unload her but she blatantly refused to come out.
Shipley finally had Logan fetch old reliable "Ruth" and tied a rope from her
to the punk inside. Everything went OK until she began to slide
down the ramp, she suddenly let out a scream and "Ruth" took off on a dead run back to the menagerie dragging "Emily" on her side.
Who would have imagined the possibly of this happening after she had drug the mighty "Tusko"
in and out of railroad cars all those years.