Saturday, October 02, 2010

From Robert Perry

R.Perry ringling men oak calif, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

HI Buckles
As we hope to be coming to the US in March with our niece Denise has been to the us many times but has
never seen the Ringling Show would they be out showing in March or is that too early.
Regards Robert Perry

From Buckles
Both of the big units should be over East by then, in fact one of them
should be in Madison Square Garden about that time.
They have a Web Site with all the routes, maybe someone could
help us with this.


Bob Cline said...

If I understand this correctly, neither of the RBBB Big Shows will play Madison Square Garden next spring as MSG undergoes a revitaliztion project.

Chic Silber said...

Todd Lacy who has been a general

manager with Disney Theatricals

for several years (& a great guy)

has just been hired as head of

ALL theatrical production for the

MSG Group which includes not only

the Garden but Radio City and the

Beacon Theater that was recently

beautifully restored & was where

that disaster known as "Banana

Shpiel" was attempted recently

Anonymous said...

You are correct. Madison Square Garden is currently undergoing an 850 million dollar renovation.
They are making it into a state of the art arena.
While the actual arena would still be available for the show(they don't want to lose the very lucrative hockey and basketball seasons), the surrounding rotunda would not. They would have no place to house the animals and equipment.
Rumor has it (?????) that they will extend the New Jersey and Long Island dates. Just a rumor.

Chic Silber said...

Although Trolle Rhodin's home

& winter quarters is in Malmo

I wonder if he was instrumental

in obtaining the canvas shown

here from Gothenburg or was it

just a coincidence that Williams

had tops from Sweden (unlikely)

Chic Silber said...

Noticing the repaired handle on

the wheelbarrow makes me wonder

if there is a coat of blue paint

under the red (as was done often)

Only a welder's mark held up

Anonymous said...

For as long as I can remember, Ringling has played in New Jersey, then Long Island, NY (Nassau Coliseum in mid-March), then Madison Square Garden in late March/ early April. Visit for exact dates; they are usually posted there.

Chic Silber said...

Historicaly I believe the Garden

date (which at 1 time made up

half of the full year's take)

was based on a certain number

of weeks each side of Easter



When I was working out of Munich, and long before that, most of the German circuses were loyal to the German tent manufacturer, Stromeyer.

Peter Stromeyer's daughter, Gisela, lives in NYC. She is a structural fabric designer.

Maybe you should look her up. Some potential commonality!

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Frank I will but I've been

good for many years & now you're

mentioning some "potential" to me

It's much easier to be good at

my age (but I'm grateful to

remember when I wasn't)