Tuesday, October 26, 2010

1956 RBBB Book #1 (From Eric Beheim)

1956 RBBB Book-1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

During the 1956 season, and in addition to its regular souvenir program, the Ringling Circus sold a 42-page book consisting primarily of circus photos, taken in both in black & white and color. None of the performers shown in the photos are identified by name, and there is no information as to what year these photos were taken. (They were obviously not all taken in 1956). After the show folded in mid-season, there were probably a lot of these books left over. However, they were generic enough so that they could have been sold by the show for years afterwards. (They turn up on eBay quite frequently.) Here are few of the more interesting color photos. If you have more information as to who and what are shown in these photos, sharing it with the rest of us will be greatly appreciated.


Roger Smith said...

Numerous sources who were there at the time told me about "that book", which caused no end of heat on the show. Many felt certain they would be included and were not. Many others felt those chosen never should have been. Those depicted were disgruntled that here they were given feature status, but were not identified by name as they were accustomed to in the show's program. They felt relegated to the ranks of "just another circus act". The heat centered on John North's new boy, Michael Burke, a true former cloak-and-dagger spy during WW II, and an industrial success who knew nothing of circus, but was given major authority over the show, and worse, the acts themselves. He was despised from the beginning, and his disregard of star names for this book brought him withering hatred, amidst the smouldering jealousies he created in the back yard.

Burke writes of his circus period in his autobiography, OUTRAGEOUS GOOD FORTUNE.