Saturday, September 25, 2010

CWM 1985 #4

CWM 1985 #3, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

This shows a perfect photo of a ring being too big. It seems, and Chappie had it in some of his books, that the diameter of a circus ring should be 42 ft.according to noted historians. This is not the case generally and I have found 34 to 36 ft. to be the practical size and is the size on most shows. Seems that I recall RBBB at center ring 40 ft. aqnd end rings 35 ft. Certainly a big 12 liberty act could use 40. I note the ring mat that Howard Suesz had that he bought from Poodles Hanneford that Poodles used when playing vaudeville was 32 ft. and he did a great riding act in it. That would be about the footage that would fit in theater stages, so if you needed bigger too bad Jose. tanglefoot herriott

J C Hall said...

The first time I believe I have heard anyone mention a circus ring to large for liberty horses however the rings Gil used at the Texas State fair were 38ft Center and ends at 36ft. Two feet can mean a lot though.

Jimmy Cole said...

Johnny, While I have you here, regarding last week's question about you having ever worked the 12 pony act at CWM with no harness in the show? I called our qualified expert, Frankie Braun, who said he remembers it well. Seems we had to load out right away after the last show to go do a fair date. Everything was loaded, and the ponies went right from the ring into the semi.

Regarding today's photo, I'm sure you are right, but the picture was taken with a wide angle lense, which does tend to make thing look bigger.

Anonymous said...

Remember also, that these were POA's not full size horses. Big ponies, if you will, but worked like the "big guys" and took up less space in the ring, and especially the truck!
Pete, the Baraboobian!

Chic Silber said...

During many of my years with RB

only ring 2 was reliougsly kept

at 40ft due to the mesh arena

& rings 1 & 3 were set at between

35ft & 38ft mostly according to

the position of the floor points

& the overall size of the floor

Chic Silber said...

I believe that the European rings

are a bit larger than ours

Perhaps Henry Schroer might help

& by the way sure hope he's doing

well with his recovery

J C Hall said...

To Jimmy Cole;
Damn man, you forgot to ask Frankie Braun if they used any Fog and if so what color.
Now that you have established that the fog was not in your head.
To the Baraboobian,
Twelve head of any size equine is a lot and I have been told the smaller they are the more they are up to make sure you are earning your pay.

Chic Silber said...

1 of the tightest floors I recall

was the Cumberland County Arena

in Fayetteville N C (Ft Bragg)

Really tight turns on the track

for the wagons & floats so the

rings 1 & 3 were smaller

Anonymous said...

To JC Hall:
Have to agree with your statement about the 12 head of equines, although as we count in this picture there were only 6, and POA's at that.
Equines being the animals they are certainly do have a tendancy (in my small 20 yr experience) of trying to take advantage of any little thing they might think you didn't catch. In short they're "dishonest", and seems to be the smaller they are the more dishonest they are, right down to the anklebiter minis.
But then again, I have limited experience, unlike most commenting here. No dig intended!
Pete, the Baraboobian!
I learn something NEW every day!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to ask/confirm: Wasn't the reason, as I recall from my circus history info, for the 42' ring because of Phillip Ashley standing on top of his horse at a full gallop, at Ricketts Circus in Philadelphia, way back when, making it a comfort/workable speed/angle? Please correct if this/I am wrong!
Pete, the Baraboobian!

Wade G. Burck said...

John Milton,
You are correct in that the larger the ring the more difficult it is to keep a liberty act "tight" and not strung out. It's a major difficulty with the National Show Horse liberty act in Wis. that we are both familiar with.
Wade Burck

J C Hall said...

To The Baraboobian
Ditto on the POA's. My mind was on the 12 act earlier mentioned. Sorry about that.
Glad you mentioned the 42ft ring historical daily pitch you made.
I am sure it was so written; However I feel Herriott has a point,besides the reason given on the 42ft ring, sounds more like the "Iggy and Squiggy" the two headed piggy pitch.
Not that they would come up with any thing like that way back when.
I can just imagine in 100 years or so, what technical reason will be given for the horse shoe half-witted partial "Circus Maximus Hippodrome" track RBBB has recently put into use.