Monday, August 16, 2010

From Dave Price

Buckles40, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Buckles: Will you kindly tell me what this act was? They were doing it on W W Cole when you were a child and they were still doing it on Barnes-Sells-Floto in my infancy.

"I don't have a clue but if they were anything like the ones recently seen with RBBB, the artists were simply suspended by a thin cable that slid back and forth thru a slot.
Ray Charles could have spotted the gimmick."


Larry Kellogg said...

Watch the classic movie, At the Circus with the Marx Brothers. The upside-down act is performed in that movie and Anna Merkel was a technical advisor for the film.

Anonymous said...

There were several ways to accomplish the ceiling walk. Some used clips and hooks. Check out Richard Sands story, also "The Performers" by you know who.

Roger Smith said...

I once heard this was done with a magnetic plate and magnetic shoes. Sounds incredible to me. Any reasonable chance on that theory?

Larry Kellogg said...

Jay's Journal of Anomalies published by Ricky Jay gave a detailed history of the act in his quarterly Volume Two, Number Four in the Winter of 1996. He traces the act back to 1806. The article was titled "Dancing on the Ceiling." All of Jay's journals are reprinted in a book titled Jay's Journal of Anomalies published in 2001 by Farrar Straus Giroux. The Anna Merkel act was performed with suction cups as revealed in the Marx Bros. movie At The Circus.