Friday, August 27, 2010

From Bill Powell #3

gee_gee_atayde_1965013, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Larry Louree said...

Having lived with five different Huskies here in Florida over the last 35 years, this would have been a great act to have seen. Huskies have a reputation for being "difficult", it's more like negotiating with a 3 year old to get them to think it's their idea to do what you want them to do. (Probably like working with any of the four legged show performers?)

Roger Smith said...

Parley Baer loved to tell the story of a major hey-rube among Gee Gee's 7 huskies. The fight was raging when Parley arrived, yelling, "Gee Gee! Gee Gee! What can I do?"

Gee Gee flashed him a smile and yelled, "Oh, hi, Honey! Grab a dog!"

l said...

Seven of them getting into it must have been quite a site and lots of commotion. That's the thing about Huskies in a pack, if somebody isn't pulling their share of the load, they don't mind expressing their displeasure with that pack member. Much like in any workplace. And the pack will take care of it's own problems through their own leadership set up, (much like the bulls?)
Thanks for sharing, Roger.