Wednesday, August 25, 2010

1948 RBBB (Set 3) #12

48 RBBB 3-12fix, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

(Didn’t Rudolph Mathies present a tiger act on the very first season of the combined Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in 1919?)


Roger Smith said...

BUCKLES: I'll have to look further, not having the 1919 menu at hand. I will tell you this--one might think "Old Circus" would have contributed to hard-bitten jealousy from Matthie's colleague, Mabel Stark. Quite the contrary. She sang his praises to the rafters, holding "Rudy" out as among the finest exponents of tiger training in her lifetime, adding, "If you wanted to wise up, you studied the guy."