Friday, July 02, 2010

From Chic Silber

ANNAMAY, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Chic Silber said...

That tub looks to be very tall

in proportion to it's diameter

Almost looks like 2 short tubs

stacked & welded together

Ben looks like he's running

to catch Barbara on a bounce

Larry Louree said...

I remember that building that looks like a tent. Ah, the good old days.

Happy Birthday, America

Chic Silber said...

This photo is all too kind to the

look of that poorly proportioned

structure that I thought looked

more like a Colonel Saunders

warehouse from the highway (I-4)

Surely it's better to have fond

memories though (not me)

GaryHill said...

Chic, look closer at the tub and you will see the W's all around it. It is a Woodcock elephant tub, or Anna Mays personal tub if you will. :)

Chic Silber said...

YES GARY of course I saw the Ws

but only on the top half which

is why I thought it looked like

2 tubs welded together (and of

course it would have been a nice

gesture on Buckles part to have

the bottom half AMAMAMAMAMAMAM)

Chic Silber said...

Wasn't that a grab joint behind

those windows on the left

Buckles said...

After Barbara and I took over the act someone suggested that we should make the tubs taller, it would make the act look bigger.
I took the advice.
Two of those tubs are now at the end of our driveway, each surmounted with a lamp post.

Chic Silber said...

Sounds like the kind of idea that

Irvin might have come up with

(I say that with great respect)

Little John said...

I rolled that tub a time or two at the CW park before and after the act. The other tubs I could run with, with this tub we took our time.