Sunday, July 18, 2010

From Bill Karlton

tiger, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This is a poster of the Tiger on Horseback. It seems to be silkscreened on heavy weight card stock and may have been used as a bus card.

Bill Karlton


Chic Silber said...

I have this sheet framed & on the

wall of our front room & yours was

probably dry mounted to the card

as mine is the original paper

(photo to Buckles)

Ole Whitey said...

Bill: Are you the Bill Karlton who was with Bisbee's circa 1966 and later with Ken and Roberta Griffin before taking out your own show?

Bill Karlton said...

That would be me, although it was 1965 when I was with Bisbee's - the last year that it toured. I've done a few more shows since then.

It took me awhile to figure out who Ole Whitey is. Hope you are doing well. Do you still make Willard Stew?


Ole Whitey said...

Haven't made Willard Stew for a long time now. My wife of forty years and I are both having health problems and can't eat just anything.

1965- Right- 1966 was the year Billy tried to run the show as a permanent attraction at a resort in Kentucky and hired me to go around and post his 3-sheets in the area. They didn't last long but it did make me the last man to post daubs for a rep show. Jimmy Davis was out longer but just used cards to bill it.

We kept in touch with Ken and Roberta until they died- great folks.

If you're ever around here drop in. Our mutual buddy Al Stencell recently came to see us when we were both in a nursing home. our son John dropped by and it was the first time they had seen each other in 32 years.

Nice talking to you, Bill.